Change the map settings
Select points by mouse-over, by drawing around them, or based on a property value.
In mouse-over mode, clicking adds the selection to the list of loaded selections. For property based selection, use the button.
For mouse-over and property based selection, the seed point of the selection can be included or excluded (to only select neighbours).
Activate the density plot. This reveals densely clustered regions in the map.
Save the current plot or all plots as png files.
The thematic map
The thematic map will show gene expression for selected genes, and is coloured according to the Allen Reference Atlas.
Scroll down to select brain slices to view.
Additional images for the thematic map
Using the scatter plots:
Mouse over to see information on individual points.
When the cursor is positioned over a map, the scroll wheel (or two-finger swipe on some OSes) may be used to zoom
Right-click to reveal advanced selection options (selection mode, neighbouring points, density map and image export).
Data/Predefined selections/Ontology
Select a data set for viewing. It will load the maps defined in the datasets.
In some cases predefined selection sets may appear. Select one to add it to the list of loaded selections.
When relevant, an ontology of brain regions is displayed, which can be used for selection.
Loaded selections
This shows a list of all selections (genes or samples) with their descriptions and colours. The colour of a gene set selection can be changed by clicking on the colour picker.
Right-click on a selection for editing, gene ontology analysis and exporting.
Use the buttons at the bottom to deselect all or remove selections from the list.
Upload selections
Upload a CSV file with identifiers.
Enter comma, semicolon or newline separated ids, and select the correct identifier in the property field.